Untitled Computer Typeface 2010

Description: Create and publish, under an open source license, a new idiosyncratic and sloppy, yet kind of boring, non-Arial or Helvetica based typeface for computers. Final work consists of a website with downloadable typeface and 100 Haikus about the internet using this new type. Final project goal is to have Untitled Computer Typeface 2010 shipped with browsers.

Timeline: About 2 months start to end.

Budget: Two thirds artist fee, one third hosting fee.

Resume: Michael Sarff (aka Mark River) is one half of the artist collaboration MTAA, as well as the curator and co-founder of OTO. Sarff's non-MTAA work may be seen at Tinjail. He lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Work samples:

Kingdom (2007) online dual palindrome video loop

East West Dance Off (2007) online dual YouTube video loop

Youth Is Wasted On The Young + Let The Punishment Fit The Crime (2008) wheat paste Photoshop poster applied by a group during opening

Live Dramatic Reading (Disconnection of HAL 9000's Higher Functions) (2008) documentation of live performance

vacationoitacav_x5 (2008) set of 5 gif animations